Proposal for Vancura 2

English Studies, Plovdiv University


This proposal is about improving the university’s building and especially about a problem concerning both – smokers and non-smokers; students and teachers. Our suggestions are based on a research made in the university’s internet forum.
The problem is that we have no rooms specialized for smokers inside the building. In the winter, the students who smoke, needs to go out, and smoke in the cold. This way, they might get ill. Some of the smokers are smoking in the toilets, which disturbs the non-smokers and it’s dangerous, because there’s no fire-extinguisher there.
Our research showed that 59% of all students are smokers.
We suggest some rooms to be adapted for the purpose and recommend that there is “room for smokers” on every stage of the building – the rooms can be at the ends of the corridors, as we see that this space is not used yet, and it is enough. We also recommend that the rooms will be well ventilated and they must be equipped with several fire extinguishers and a fire-alarm. Additionally, there might be some posters, which advice to quit cigarettes.
Our research showed also that 73% of the students approve our idea for creating rooms for smokers in the university building. We hope this proposal is well evaluated and will be taken under consideration. We will expect an answer within a month.

This proposal is addressed to the Council of Control – an authority of the university, which can deal with this kind of problems. It will be sent to Violeta Argirova(violeta_az-а-abv(dott)bg) first – she represents the students in the Council of Control.
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