Dream interpretation - history

The first data of dream interpretation dates back to 3000-4000 BC. Since we are able to dream, we strive to understand what is the real meaning of what comes to our mind every night.

People in some elemental societies can’t make the difference between the world of dreams and the real one, or choose not to make the difference, because dreams are not only an extension of reality, but also a more powerful world.

At the time of the ancient Romans and Greeks, dreams were considered in religious context and it was believed that they are messages from the gods or the dead. At that time people were looking for solutions of their problems in dreams, what to do, what way to take. They believed that dreams warn for misfortune and predict the future. Special shrines were built in which people slept and hope to receive a message through their dream. Belief in dreams had been so strong, that it nearly dictated the actions of the political and military leaders. Dream interpreters even accompanied the army in a battle to help with the strategy

Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that dreams are consequence of psychological functions. He thought that they can diagnose and predict diseases.

During the Hellenistic period the dreams were considered as a way of treatment Temples, called Asclepinions were built for the purpose. It was believed that to the patients who sleep there will be sent a cure. Dream interpreters even worked in coordination with the doctors. It was also believed that dreams help healers understand what a man suffers from.

In ancient Egypt, priests were also dream interpreters. Egyptians wrote their dreams using hieroglyphs. The people with brighter and more significant dreams were considered to be blessed and special. The ones who interpret dreams were praised and thought to be gifted.

Dreams were also thought to be a place, which the soul visits every night. According to the ancient Chinese, the soul leaves the body and goes to that "other” world. If a man is suddenly awaken, his soul might not be able to return to the body. That’s the reason why even in modern times some Chinese refuse to use an alarm clock. Some Native American and Mexican tribes share the same concept, about the separate dimension of dreams. They believe that their ancestors lived in their dreams and took forms - like plants. The dreams are also a way to connect with their ancestors and help them find the mission of their life.

During the Middle Ages the dreams were thought to be evil – a temptation from the devil. It was believed that while the man sleeps, the Satan sends to him corrupted and vicious thoughts in order to cheat him to take the bad side.

That’s why no meaning was looked in dreams at these times.

At the beginning of the 19-th century the dreams were looked to as a consequence of anxiety, background noise or even food poisoning. That’s why no meaning was looked in dreams at these times. At the end of the 19-th century Sigmund Freud revived the importance of dreams, as well as the need of their interpretation.

Since ancient times, people feel the need to interpret their dreams. In the Bible alone, dreams are mentioned over seven hundred times.
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